Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My REAL Chirstmas

I just want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. This day has always been so very special to me for many reasons. My family has always been so wonderful. I was born Christmas morning. My mother always made it a priority to make Christmas Eve my own little party day. All my favorite dinners, birthday cakes, family games, candy and gifts. Then awakening to Santa's surprise the next morning never to be left out or shorted in any way. After a breakfast exploding with events family opened Christmas gifts and I always was given the same extravagant amount as my brother and sisters. But its really more than this for me. I have always been musical and so was my family. Carols were always sung and performed. Tooele seemed to have an abundance of snow each year. Little memories like Bye Christensen stopping by all dressed as Santa complete with sleigh and "his own reindeer", which were just his little donkeys pulling along the drifted city streets. Lights, trees, friends, choirs, fudge, toffee, and my place by the furnace while it blew out pine scented warmth all remain just mine. Or so it seemed....... At any rate have a lovely holiday, hold your dear ones close and always remember that Santa is really waiting for us to just Believe.

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